About Me

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a food & travel junkie who doesnt mind having a nice meal alone by the counter or take a solo trip whenever she feels like. life is too precious to be waiting for that perfect companion & not doing anything. dream, dream big. and live that dream, big!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 4: Tokyo rediscovered!

Day 4: On the road again! MasyaAllah! Dah makan tahun dah dia punye delay update entry hihi.. well since i have time..and suddenly going through the pics when I was travelling to Japan in Feb.2013, here comes Part 4 - Tokyo edition.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Celebrating Malaysia Tourism 2014 - Klang valley version 1.0

owh i so love this!
there was once time when me and my bestfriends were looking for a nice weekend getaway spot around klang valley, one that has a nice swimming pool, a little pantry/kitchen and that doesnt put a hole in the pocket.
and while we ended up in the not-too-bad The maple suit in bukit bintang, it lacked authenticity and attractions - although the pavilion was a 30 mins walk away. Yes we did walk half an hour, 3 adults + 3 kids under the streetlights of KL  :p
Pool session was superb though as we had the pool to ourselves heh. And of course, the main was achieved succesfully - to bond between us bestfriends and spend some time with the kids as well..owh and to let the kids bond between them as well~

But this list below has even more interesting places to stay for similar reasons at even more competetive rates.
I am so going to refer to this the next time I am planning a weekend getaway around KL.

#Credit to Lolaloot#