About Me

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a food & travel junkie who doesnt mind having a nice meal alone by the counter or take a solo trip whenever she feels like. life is too precious to be waiting for that perfect companion & not doing anything. dream, dream big. and live that dream, big!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013, refreshed & renewed!

senja|duskquietabandonedriverwhite flowdrops
daisysunset|pantai pungguroreo cheesecakeover the top browniesred velvet cake - rosesred velvet cake
message & flowerred velvet cupcake - messagered velvet cupcakes - strawberriesred velvet cakepeanut butter cheesecakecheesecake layer r.v cake
gula melaka cheesecakeover the top brownies1

new blog.
for my travelling and gourmet experiences, and all other adventures!  :p

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